Where did the young boy who was so full of life disappear to?
Who is this young man in the hospital room?
He's brain dead, blind, deaf, paralyzed, unable to breathe on his own.
His name is Aaron and he's my nephew.
He was a lost child trying to live through enormous amounts of pain.
His coping mechanism was huffing propane to stuff the deep hurt.
His affect was cheerful and happy; inside he was dying.
Dying a slow death of unhappiness and emotional wounds.
He never asked for help no matter how many times it was offered.
Today would be Aaron's 19th birthday.
For me, it's the five month anniversary of his death and his birthday.
A sad day, for all of us.
Our family is coming together at Dale and Tina's this afternoon.
I need to be with them to share my grief, support my family and honor Dale and Tina.
Aaron's death will never be easy to handle.
It will become easier to cope and maybe, easier to talk about.
His death leaves a hole in my heart.
I wish he would join us today - in person - so we could help him.
I want to talk to him and get those secrets out that hurt him so badly.
My nephew must have been in so much turmoil that he had to find a way to stop it.
He did - permanently.
God welcomed Aaron home with outstretched arms and an embrace that healed Aaron right at that moment.