Went home at 11:15, got ready for the Barrington Children's Choir with friends then had a seizure attack in my legs while we were sitting down. Took an Ativan which helped a little but not a lot.
Saw my loving Diane and cried when I saw her. She's one friend I really miss. We hugged for a long time and I cried as I held onto her. I was with true friends and I bumped into a true friend. What is God trying to remind me? I'm not as alone as I feel.
Soni, Tom, Pam and I went out for a nice dinner. Soni had won the grand prize - a Christmas tree filled with 16 gift cards. She prayed if there was someone else in need who needed it, let them win. I told God there's no one more deserving of His gift of giving than Tom and Soni. :-) Soni surprised all of us that day. She layed out the gift cards all on the table and we picked which ones we wanted. This helped me with two Christmas gifts! And what fun we had getting to know each other better.
A time to celebrate when Tom's dad has reached the fullness of his life and no longer wants to continue living; a time when Soni's Dad is experiencing complications and is all the way in Ohio; a time when I've just been diagnosed with epilepsy; and a time when Pam can be a supportive friend for her best friend Christine.
God wants us to be there for each other in the good times and through the hard times. To mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice.